#TURKPATENT approved a new price list of trademark, design, geographical indications, patent and utility models on December 31, 2020.
Code | Type of Service | 2021 Fees (TL) |
02.01.01 | Filing fee for a single class | 280 |
02.01.02 | Filing fee for each additional class | 280 |
02.01.03 | Registration fee | 750 |
02.01.04 | Fee for issue of a certification copy of registration | 285 |
02.01.05 | Fee for issue of a trademark registry copy | 285 |
02.01.06 | Fee for recording of the whole or partial transfer | 665 |
02.01.07 | Fee for recording of a merger or putting real capital | 680 |
02.01.08 | Fee for recording of an inheritance | 665 |
02.01.09 | Fee for registration of a license and fee for the renewal of a license | 975 |
02.01.10 | Fee for recording of a pledge | 665 |
02.01.14 | Fee for recording of a priority right | 310 |
02.01.15 | Fee for editing and classification of goods and services | 195 |
02.01.16 | Fee for the issue of a certificate of priority right | 310 |
02.01.17 | Opposition against applications published on Official Trademark Bulletin | 185 |
02.01.18 | Request for official information for trademarks | 45 |
02.01.19 | Handling fee for proceedings of the applications under the Madrid Protocol | 440 |
02.01.20 | Handling fee for the proceedings of the subsequent designations and other requests under the Madrid Protocol | 255 |
02.01.21 | Fee for replacement and transformation under the Madrid Protocol | 255 |
02.01.22 | Fee for division of an application | 655 |
02.01.23 | Renewal fee within expiry date (within 6 months before expiry date) | 940 |
02.01.24 | Renewal fee after expiry date (within 6 months after expiry date) | 1.840 |
02.01.25 | Partially Renewal Fee within Expiry Date (within 6 months before expiry date) | 940 |
02.01.26 | Partially Renewal Fee after Expiry Date (within 6 months after expiry date) | 1.840 |
02.01.27 | Examination Fee of Well-Known Trademark Application | 5.520 |
Code | Type of Service | 2021 Fees (TL) |
04.01.01 | Filing Fee for one design | 200 |
04.01.02 | Additional Filing Fee for each additional design included in same application | 90 |
04.01.03 | Publication Fee (for each 8 x 8 cm. dimension) | 45 |
04.01.04 | Deferment of Publication Fee (For each design) | 45 |
04.01.05 | Renewal fee for one design (within 6 months before expiry date) | 600 |
04.01.06 | Renewal Fee for each additional design included in same application (within 6 months before expiry date) | 80 |
04.01.07 | Renewal fee for one design (within 6 months after expiry date) | 1.150 |
04.01.08 | Renewal Fee for each additional design included in same application (within 6 months before expiry date) | 150 |
04.01.09 | Registering fee for transfer | 665 |
04.01.10 | Licence registration and licence renewal fee | 945 |
04.01.11 | Registering fee for inheritance | 665 |
04.01.12 | Registeration and Publication Fee of a Pledge/Warranty | 665 |
04.01.14 | Registeration and Publication Fee of Transactions Related to Structural Changes Such as Merger, Partition or Equity Placement Debt | 680 |
04.01.15 | Registering Priority Right Fee | 310 |
04.01.16 | Preparation of Certified Copy Fee | 265 |
04.01.17 | Preparation of Priority Document Fee | 295 |
Code | Type of the Service | 2021 Fees (TL) |
01.01.01 | Filing fee | 55 |
01.01.02 | Filing fee for applications with priority (for each priority) | 115 |
01.01.03 | Publication fee of an amended fascicule of an European Patent restricted after opposition | 1.290 |
01.01.04 | Publication fee of a corrected fascicule of an European Patent | 980 |
01.01.06 | Additional time request fee (Former Patent Law) | 125 |
01.01.07 | Priority document preparation fee | 295 |
01.01.08 | Patent document (grant) preparation fee | 400 |
01.01.09 | Additional patent document (grant) preparation fee | 400 |
01.01.10 | Registeration and publication fee of a transfer | 665 |
01.01.11 | Registeration and publication fee of a licence | 265 |
01.01.12 | Registeration and publication fee of transactions related to structural changes such as merger, partition or equity placement debt | 680 |
01.01.13 | Registeration and publication fee of a licence offering | 35 |
01.01.14 | Registeration and publication fee of an inheritance and a transfer | 665 |
01.01.15 | Registeration and publication fee of a pledge / warranty | 665 |
01.01.17 | Preparation fee for a copy of a certified patent document | 300 |
01.01.18 | Inspection fee of patent dossiers (per dossier) | 25 |
01.01.19 | Conversion fee for a patent application to an utility model application (Former Patent Law) | 70 |
01.01.20 | Force Majeure fee for non-payment of annual fees (surcharge payable) (Former Patent Law) | Relevant annual fee +(relevant annual fee minus tax) x 50% |
01.01.21 | Annual fee not paid in due time (surcharge payable) | Relevant annual fee +(relevant annual fee minus tax) x 25% |
01.01.22 | 2nd year registeration fee (Former Patent Law) | 390 |
01.01.23 | 3rd year registeration fee | 400 |
01.01.24 | 4th year registeration fee | 470 |
01.01.25 | 5th year registeration fee | 700 |
01.01.26 | 6th year registeration fee | 795 |
01.01.27 | 7th year registeration fee | 885 |
01.01.28 | 8th year registeration fee | 990 |
01.01.29 | 9th year registeration fee | 1.080 |
01.01.30 | 10th year registeration fee | 1.185 |
01.01.31 | 11th year registeration fee | 1.345 |
01.01.32 | 12th year registeration fee | 1.565 |
01.01.33 | 13th year registeration fee | 1.805 |
01.01.34 | 14th year registeration fee | 2.045 |
01.01.35 | 15th year registeration fee | 2.355 |
01.01.36 | 16th year registeration fee | 2.575 |
01.01.37 | 17th year registeration fee | 2.865 |
01.01.38 | 18th year registeration fee | 3.060 |
01.01.39 | 19th year registeration fee | 3.230 |
01.01.40 | 20th year registeration fee | 3.370 |
01.01.41 | Filing fee for a national phase application under the PCT | 2.015 |
01.01.42 | Additional time request fee for a national phase application under the PCT | 1.020 |
01.01.43 | Priority document preparation fee for applications filed to TURKPATENT as a receiving office under the PCT | 30 CHF |
01.01.44 | Publication fee of claims of a European Patent application | 1.930 |
01.01.45 | Publication fee of a fascicule of a European Patent | 3.095 |
01.01.46 | Additional time request fee for Turkish translation of the fascicule of a European Patent | 1.750 |
01.01.47 | Additional time request fee for the applications filed under the PCT (for the applications entering into national phase after 33 months) | 3.470 |
01.01.48 | Search report fee prepared by TÜRKPATENT (This fee is for patent applications filed only via the e-Government Portal not exceeding 10 applications for real persons and 100 for universities within the same fiscal year.) | 400 |
01.01.49 | Search report fee prepared by TÜRKPATENT (For applications filed beyond the scope explained in 1.01.48) | 805 |
01.01.50 | Examination report fee prepared by TURKPATENT (This fee is for patent applications filed only via the e-Government Portal not exceeding 10 applications for real persons and 100 for universities within the same fiscal year.) | 400 |
01.01.51 | Examination report fee prepared by TURKPATENT (For applications filed beyond the scope explained in 1.01.50) | 805 |
01.01.54 | 2nd and 3rd examination report fee prepared by TURKPATENT (Former Patent Law) | 400 |
01.01.56 | Search report fee for conversion request of an utility model application to a patent application | 495 |
01.01.57 | Fee for re-establishment of rights | 2.610 |
01.01.58 | Fee for further processing | 655 |
01.01.59 | Recovery fee for the payment of an annual fee | 1,5 times the relevant annual fee |
01.01.60 |
Fee for a copy of the registry of published patent applications or granted patents | 55 |
Code | Type of the Service | 2021 Fees (TL) |
01.02.01 | Filing fee | 55 |
01.02.02 | Filing fee for applications with priority (for each priority) | 115 |
01.02.03 | Additional time request fee (Former Patent Law) | 125 |
01.02.04 | Priority document preparation fee | 295 |
01.02.05 | Utility model document (grant) preparation fee | 400 |
01.02.06 | Registeration and publication fee of a transfer | 665 |
01.02.07 | Registeration and publication fee of a licence | 265 |
01.02.08 | Registeration and publication fee of transactions related to structural changes such as merger, partition or equity placement debt | 680 |
01.02.09 | Registeration and publication fee of a licence offering | 35 |
01.02.10 | Registeration and publication fee of an inheritance and a transfer | 665 |
01.02.11 | Registeration and publication fee of a pledge / warranty | 665 |
01.02.12 | Preparation fee for a copy of a certified patent document | 300 |
01.02.13 | Inspection fee of utility model dossiers (per dossier) | 25 |
01.02.14 | Conversion fee for an utility model application to a patent application (Former Patent Law) | 70 |
01.02.15 | Force Majeure fee for non-payment of annual fees (surcharge payable) (Former Patent Law) | Relevant annual fee +(relevant annual fee minus tax) x 50% |
01.02.16 | Annual fee not paid in due time (surcharge payable) | Relevant annual fee +(relevant annual fee minus tax) x 25% |
01.02.17 | 2nd year registeration fee (Former Patent Law) | 300 |
01.02.18 | 3rd year registeration fee | 310 |
01.02.19 | 4th year registeration fee | 370 |
01.02.20 | 5th year registeration fee | 530 |
01.02.21 | 6th year registeration fee | 610 |
01.02.22 | 7th year registeration fee | 680 |
01.02.23 | 8th year registeration fee | 745 |
01.02.24 | 9th year registeration fee | 815 |
01.02.25 | 10th year registeration fee | 895 |
01.02.26 | Fee for re-establishment of rights | 2.610 |
01.02.27 | Fee for further processing | 655 |
01.02.28 | Search report fee for conversion request of a patent application to an utility model application | 495 |
01.02.29 | Recovery fee for the payment of an annual fee | 1,5 times the relevant annual fee |
01.02.30 | Search report fee prapared by TÜRKPATENT (This fee is for utility model applications filed only via the e-Government Portal not exceeding 10 applications for real person and 100 for universities within the same fiscal year.) | 400 |
01.02.31 | Search report fee prapared by TÜRKPATENT (For applications filed beyond the scope explained in 1.02.30) | 805 |
01.02.32 | Filing fee for a national phase application under the PCT | 1.655 |
01.02.33 | Additional time request fee for a national phase application under the PCT | 840 |
01.02.34 | Additional time request fee for the applications filed under the PCT (for the applications entering into national phase after 33 months) | 2.850 |
01.02.35 | Fee for a copy of the registry of published utility model applications or granted utility models | 55 |
Code | Service Name | 2021 Fees (TL) |
03.01.01 | Filing Fee For Geographical Indications | 45 TL |
03.01.02 | Registration Fee For Geographical Indications | 90 TL |
03.01.03 | Fee For İssue Of A Certification Copy Of Registration For Geographical Indications | 90 TL |
03.01.04 | Fee For İssue Of A Registry Copy For Geographical Indications | 90 TL |
03.01.05 | Application Fee For Amendment To Subject Characteristics Of A Registered Geographical İndications |
45 TL |
03.01.06 | Application Fee For Amendment To Applicant Or Registrant Of Geographical Indications |
45 TL |
03.01.07 | Opposition Fee For Geographical Indications | 160 TL |
03.02.01 | Filing Fee For Traditional Specialty Guaranteed | 45 TL |
03.02.02 | Registration Fee For Traditional Specialty Guaranteed | 90 TL |
03.02.03 | Fee For İssue Of A Certification Copy Of Registration For Traditional Specialty Guaranteed | 90 TL |
03.02.04 | Fee For İssue Of A Registry Copy For Traditional Specialty Guaranteed | 90 TL |
03.02.05 | Application Fee For Amendment To Subject Characteristics Of Traditional Specialty Guaranteed Registration |
45 TL |
03.02.06 | Application Fee For Amendment To Applicant Or Registrant Of Traditional Specialty Guaranteed |
45 TL |